Wednesday, October 29, 2008

New to

Okay, so I have figured out how to follow peoples blogs, kind of. I am still learning this thing. It is hard. I still have not figured out how to post pictures. Plus I don't know how to find people. But at least I found a few people so far, thanks to their followers and that they emailed me their blog site. So please hang in their with me, or give me any advice you want on how this works. Well, I better go, I hear Taylor telling me she is awake and would like to be fed.

1 comment:

Jason and Lisa said...

When you write a post, there are several buttons. The one for uploading pictures looks like a sky. When you scrool over it, it says add image. You click on that and then retrieve the pictures from your computer. As for people's blogs, you can get them from other people's blogs (clicking on the link) or when you read peoples comments if the name is in blue (like ours), click on it, and then click on the name of our blog. It is a little confusing. I'm not an expert but if you want help sometime I'd be happy to sit down with you.